Ethics for Municipal Officials
Leadership and Municipal Operations
Member: $60.00
Non-Member: $60.00Your price
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are buying this course not for yourself (ex: a clerk purchasing the course for a councilmember), please purchase the course using this link here.
Direct link to purchase 'Ethics Training for Municipal Officials' for others:
Course Information
This course meets the state requirement for newly elected officials.
Ethical conduct is important as an elected municipal official. Because of its importance, the North Carolina General Assembly mandates that municipal elected officials receive a minimum of two clock hours of ethics education within 12 months after election or appointment to office. In addition to the state requirement, it is important for municipal officials to understand the need to:
- Obey all applicable laws regarding official actions taken as a board member
- Uphold the integrity and independence of the board member's office
- Avoid impropriety in the exercise of official duties
- Faithfully perform the duties of the office
- Conduct the affairs of the governing board in an open and public manner
This course will help municipal officials meet mandated requirements and provide an overview of the laws and regulations that govern ethical behavior in North Carolina.
Course Objectives
- Understand laws and principles that govern conflicts of interest and ethical standards of conduct at the local government level; and
- Build and enhance issue-spotting analysis and reasoning skills.
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